I’m very pleased that coffee has become part of my life. For years, I was convinced that I didn’t like it and, in any case, it gave me headaches. I spent so many holidays in Europe, desperate for a decent cup of tea. Any cup of tea! It had not really dawned on me that my dislike of coffee was down to the fact that my early experiences included cups of Camp coffee (ie chicory essence) at my auntie’s and some cheap jars of instant.
A year ago, when my son went to live in Sweden, he left behind his coffee grinder and Aeropress. Now, making a delicious cup of coffee is part of my morning routine. I grind a scoop and a half of beans for fifteen seconds. I put these into the Aeropress and add water, freshly boiled and then left to cool down for twenty seconds. I stir the mixture for ten seconds and then leave it for a further twenty. Finally I turn it over onto the top of my cup and push it down through the filter, topping up with water.
I find my favourite beans on a stall at the monthly Producers’ market. It’s a small company from Rhyl called Mug Run Coffee Roasting (mug-run.com). Each month, the guy has new delights on offer with lovely tasting notes. I’ve been enjoying some beans from Rwanda, but they’ve come to the end of the season. Seasons? I never even thought about that! So, a week tomorrow, I’ll find out what’s new.